Transition Program

Starting school at St Joseph's

Pre School Transition Process for St Joseph’s, Clare

St Joseph's School uses the Better Buddies program as part of the transition process from pre-school to Reception. Beginning students are 'buddied' up with a Year Six 'Big Buddy' who will work with them over a number of sessions during the transition program. This is an extremely effective program and loved by younger and older students. 

The following timetable is indicative of our structured transition program. It may change slightly for each intake.

Term Prior to Transition Weeks 8, 9, 10

  • St Joseph’s School staff visit children and staff at Kindergarten Centres

Transition Term

Session 1 9am - 11am

Welcome visit

Parents invited to stay and having morning tea with the Principal

Session 2 9am - 11am Classroom experience
Session 3 9am - 11:25am Experience a Recess play
Session 4 8:45am - 1:35pm Experience a Recess and Lunch play